Friday, May 25, 2007


This semester has flown by and I have changed as a writer over the months. As I reflect back on everything that we have done in Composition, I feel like I have come a ways as a writer and have somewhat developed a voice. Essays that we wrote were about our hidden talent, defining moment, public interest, nature/new perspective on an old place, and character study. Each of these essays helped shape me into a better writer and has pointed out to me places that I need improvement. From the beginning of the semester to the end, I feel that I have improved on picking an angle/topic to write about. Many times it was difficult to write about something interesting, something unexpected by the reader. I think that I have become better at finding and expanding essay topics. Also, my introductions weren't very good going into Composition. We spent time learning how to write a captivating first sentence and I tried to practice when writing my essays. Looking back at all my writing this semester, I think that my voice/style is a more personal approach. It could be that most of the essay topics had to do with each individual personally, but I always tried to incoorporate my personal experiences. Also, I tried to give the reader a different perspective about something. Whether it was about a special place, person, or life in general, I tried to look at things from a different angle. Many times though, it was difficult and didn't really show a different perspective. Although I have improved on many skills, I still want to work on a couple things. Improving more on picking a interesting topic and angle, writing the truth in my essays because I sometimes exaggerated details to make the audience more interested, and also I want to work on giving each word a purpose and meaning. Giving every word and sentence great importance. "Every writer only writes one story." I think that my story has focussed on who I am and who I want to be. Also, maybe that everything has a purpose and your perspective on certain things can change. I really enjoyed Composition and I feel that it has helped me improve my writing and develop my voice.

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