Friday, May 4, 2007

We're Finally Here

Three more cycles, just three more! It still hasn't quite hit me that the year is almost over. May 25th, (this date is engrained in all juniors' heads) for it is the day we officially become seniors. No upperclassmen, we will be at the top, until college of course where we go to the bottom again and become freshmen. But anyways, we have worked long and hard to finally make it to the final year of high school. I can remember in seventh grade when I first came to this school, I would tell myself after this year, only five more. It seemed an like an eternity away, but reality has hit, only one left. Thinking about it though, I'm sad that things are coming to a close once again. Only one year left at this school which has been such a great place for all of us, and only one year left to create high school memories that will last a lifetime. The seniors will be leaving soon, heading off in the direction their lives take them, while the rest of us can only watch and wave good-bye. This year's graduation, like those in the past, will be very hard because of all the relationships and memories that have been made with the seniors. It's always hard saying good-bye, but we have to understand that it won't be forever.
Tears are in the future, stress is now. SAT's, AP exams, finals, the list will keep going. There are so many things coming up in the next few weeks. It seems like after one horrible thing has passed, another is right about to hit us. Like waves in the ocean during a storm, once you make it over one, another is right above your head. But hopefully, I don't drown in all the stress. My dad has been telling me, "Chris, almost there." and has constantly been trying to keep me focussed and on track. Even the deans today in assembly announced to the junior class to take care of ourselves and eachother. The next couple weeks are going to be hard, so its important to eat and get enough sleep. This just reminded everyone that things are not quite over, and if we aren't tired already, the worse is yet to come. Tomorrow, many of us will be taking the SAT's and subject tests, then in a couple of weeks will be AP exams, then after will be finals. And to add to it all, homework and regular tests. I want school to end now.
Peace is in the near future, the light at the end of the tunnel. I keep telling myself that if I can just make it through and hold on just a little longer, the chaos will stop. We will be seniors and summer will be here, what could be better. It's a good ending to a bad story.

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