Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Rules Are Meant To Be Broken

Yesterday, the family celebrated my sister's birthday, her nineteenth birthday. I can't believe she's that old, where have the years gone. I can speak for myself when I say that the years are going by faster and faster right before our eyes. I always say to myself that oh, my eighteenth birthday is distances away, but it will creep up and pass before I realize it has. That's how it always is. To celebrate, we went out to Chili's. I haven't gone to Chili's for the longest time so I went ready to eat. When my parents and I got a table, all that was missing was my sister (the person we were celebrating) and her boyfriend. To pass the time, I flipped through the drink booklet that was on the table. It all looked so good, the way that they were presented on the pages, but I knew that they contained alcohol and were out of the question. I'm not old enough. Age has put limitations on so many things that sometimes I think it's unfair. But I follow them anyways, because I know it is there for a reason, at least I tell myself there is. When we were reading the public interest articles in composition class, the discussion we had about binge drinking was very interesting and true. One of the points that was brought up was that the reason and driving force that causes so many underage people to try drinking or other illegal things is the law that says they can't do whatever it is they are doing. Just the fact that there is a law, something telling them that they can't do something, is insentive to break it. After thinking about it a little, I began to think it was the truth. I mean, if you are told to not do something, you are going to want to do it no matter what. Kids are experts at this. If you say don't look in the bag, they go and do it anyway. Laws and rules are going to be broken.

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