Monday, April 2, 2007

Music of Our Lives

As I was sitting on the side of Alexander Hall the other day, all that could be heard was the constant opening and closing of those swinging doors, distant footsteps of students walking by, and the sound of an ukelele. As I focused on the chords and strumming of the strings, I couldn't help but think about how much music has become a part of our everyday lives. If you were to ask anyone when the last time they heard or played music, probably everyone would say at the most, today. Try to imagine what it would be like without the sound of music, I know that's the title of the famous musical, "The Sound of Music", but really, what would life be like without music. It just wouldn't be the same. People have based their entire lives off of music, artists, composers, etc. Like in the documentary "Rize", music and dance was all that those people had. In the place that they lived in, the kind of place that if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, it could cost you your life. In that kind of neighborhood, dancing was their life, their identity. One of the guys in the documentary said that music was an outlet for them. Each person's life has been touched by music in some shape or form. Whether it was a way of life or just something that brings you joy. My sister just bought the "Happy Feet" DVD and we were watching it at our grandma's house last night. My favorite part is when the baby penguins were together and they had to close their eyes and find their inner song. Mumble couldn't sing but he could dance. It's just who he is. Throughout the movie, my baby cousin who's a little older than two years old, would periodically stand up and start dancing. He would jump and hop all over the place and even raise his hands like the penguins were doing with their flippers. It was such a cute sight to see. All of us couldn't help but to admire him and cheer him on. My aunty even grapped her video camera and video tapped his little dances.
Music is something everyone knows. Everyone has listened to it, turned to it when there was nothing else to turn to, danced to it, sung to it, or just lived by it. It's a fact of life, music is everywhere. It has embedded itself into our hearts and into our souls. It's the music of our lives.

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