Thursday, March 8, 2007

Hike to the Lighthouse

This past weekend on the way out to Bellows, my dad and I passed by the Makapu'u Lighthouse. Our eyes were met with an overflowing parking lot, full like I had never seen it before. I mean cars were lining the street. Our first reactions were "wow, what's going on?", but then we remembered, the whales. My dad had read it in the newspaper sometime and had told me that the humpback whales were in Hawaii. I wanted to go see the whales so badly, but my dad said that we could go back the next day.
It was Sunday, the sun well on its way to setting already, and both my parents and I prepared for the hike to the lighthouse. We each had our own waterbottle and dad had the binoculars. We set off on the winding pavement ahead of us. It wasn't long before we spotted the whales. They remained near the surface of the water for a very long time before disappearing into the blueness. We stopped along the way many times to look out into the ocean and just take a breather. It was so beautiful. At a point along the hike, it was only my parents and I when we saw few more whales. It was so quiet and peaceful, and all that could be heard was the wind and the whales exhaling through their blowholes. As I looked through the binoculars, it all seemed fake, but when I looked with my own eyes, it reminded me that it was all real.
Along the way, I noticed that there were alot of cacti. When I got a closer look, they were pretty hard. I always wondered why people say that they contain alot of water and that when you are thirsty, find a catus. It might be totally untrue, but that's what I've heard. Anyway, when we reached the lookout, the view made the entire hike worth it. You could see the Ko'olau Mountain Range and the entire shore for miles. If you looked out into the ocean, all you could see was blue, with a few boats here and there.

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